Fixed Income

BGF Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond Fund


Important Information: Capital at Risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

The fund invests a large portion of assets which are denominated in other currencies; hence changes in the relevant exchange rate will affect the value of the investment. Compared to more established economies, the value of investments in developing Emerging Markets may be subject to greater volatility due to differences in generally accepted accounting principles or from economic or political instability. The fund invests in fixed interest securities issued by companies which, compared to bonds issued or guaranteed by governments, are exposed to greater risk of default in the repayment of the capital provided to the company or interest payments due to the fund. The fund investments may be subject to liquidity constraints, which means that shares may trade less frequently and in small volumes, for instance smaller companies. As a result, changes in the value of investments may be more unpredictable. In certain cases, it may not be possible to sell the security at the last market price quoted or at a value considered to be fairest. The fund may make distributions from capital as well as income or pursue certain investment strategies in order to generate income. Whilst this might allow more income to be distributed, it may also have the effect of reducing capital and the potential for long-term capital growth. The fund invests in fixed interest securities such as corporate or government bonds which pay a fixed or variable rate of interest (also known as the ‘coupon’) and behave similarly to a loan. These securities are therefore exposed to changes in interest rates which will affect the value of any securities held.

All currency hedged share classes of this fund use derivatives to hedge currency risk. The use of derivatives for a share class could pose a potential risk of contagion (also known as spill-over) to other share classes in the fund. The fund’s management company will ensure appropriate procedures are in place to minimise contagion risk to other share class. Using the drop down box directly below the name of the fund, you can view a list of all share classes in the fund – currency hedged share classes are indicated by the word “Hedged” in the name of the share class. In addition, a full list of all currency hedged share classes is available on request from the fund’s management company

To the extent the Fund undertakes securities lending to reduce costs, the Fund will receive 62.5% of the associated revenue generated and the remaining 37.5% will be received by BlackRock as the securities lending agent. As securities lending revenue sharing does not increase the costs of running the Fund, this has been excluded from the ongoing charges.





View full chart

This chart shows the fund's performance as the percentage loss or gain per year over the last 10 years.

  2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Total Return (%) -4.4 16.5 0.2 -8.0 13.9 -6.5 -0.8 -3.5 11.5 0.1
Constraint Benchmark 1 (%) -5.2 13.2 1.2 -1.5 15.6 -5.8 -1.8 -5.9 8.9 4.1

Performance is shown after deduction of ongoing charges. Any entry and exit charges are excluded from the calculation.

  1y 3y 5y 10y Incept.
2.65 2.91 0.44 1.12 1.66
Constraint Benchmark 1 (%) 5.71 2.26 0.07 1.43 -
  YTD 1m 3m 6m 1y 3y 5y 10y Incept.
2.64 2.64 4.00 4.52 2.65 9.00 2.23 11.82 34.39
Constraint Benchmark 1 (%) 1.65 1.65 3.93 5.30 5.71 6.93 0.35 15.30 -
Total Return (%)

as of 31/Dec/2024

-6.54 -0.77 -3.52 11.51 0.09
Constraint Benchmark 1 (%)

as of 31/Dec/2024

-5.79 -1.82 -5.90 8.89 4.14

The figures shown relate to past performance. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Markets could develop very differently in the future. It can help you to assess how the fund has been managed in the past

Share Class and Benchmark performance displayed in EUR, hedged share class benchmark performance is displayed in USD.

Performance is shown on a Net Asset Value (NAV) basis, with gross income reinvested where applicable. The return of your investment may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations if your investment is made in a currency other than that used in the past performance calculation. Source: Blackrock

Key Facts

Key Facts

Net Assets of Fund
as of 07/Feb/2025
USD 1,559,808,951
Fund Launch Date
Fund Base Currency
Constraint Benchmark 1
J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified Index
Initial Charge
Management Fee
Performance Fee
Management Company
BlackRock (Luxembourg) S.A.
Dealing Settlement
Trade Date + 3 days
Bloomberg Ticker
Share Class launch date
Share Class Currency
Asset Class
Fixed Income
SFDR Classification
Ongoing Charges Figures
Use of Income
Regulatory Structure
Morningstar Category
Global Emerging Markets Bond - Local Currency
Dealing Frequency
Daily, forward pricing basis

Portfolio Characteristics

Portfolio Characteristics

Number of Holdings
as of 31/Jan/2025
3y Beta
as of 31/Jan/2025
Modified Duration
as of 31/Jan/2025
Effective Duration
as of 31/Jan/2025
WAL to Worst
as of 31/Jan/2025
Standard Deviation (3y)
as of 31/Jan/2025
Yield to Maturity
as of 31/Jan/2025
Weighted Average YTM
as of 31/Jan/2025
Weighted Avg Maturity
as of 31/Jan/2025

ESG Integration

ESG Integration

BlackRock considers many investment risks in our processes. In order to seek the best risk-adjusted returns for our clients, we manage material risks and opportunities that could impact portfolios, including financially material Environmental, Social and/or Governance (ESG) data or information, where available. See our Firm Wide ESG Integration Statement for more information on this approach and fund documentation for how these material risks are considered within this product, where applicable.

Risk Indicator

Risk Indicator

Low Risk High Risk
Typically low rewards Typically high rewards



Morningstar Rating

3 stars
Overall Morningstar Rating for BGF Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond Fund, Class A2, as of 31/Jan/2025 rated against 863 Global Emerging Markets Bond - Local Currency Funds.



as of 31/Jan/2025
Name Weight (%)
PERU (REPUBLIC OF) 6.95 08/12/2031 2.90
COLOMBIA (REPUBLIC OF) 7 03/26/2031 2.43
COLOMBIA (REPUBLIC OF) 13.25 02/09/2033 2.36
SOUTH AFRICA (REPUBLIC OF) 8.25 03/31/2032 1.96
Name Weight (%)
SOUTH AFRICA (REPUBLIC OF) 8.875 02/28/2035 1.85
POLAND (REPUBLIC OF) 6 10/25/2033 1.81
TURKEY (REPUBLIC OF) 26.2 10/05/2033 1.64
Holdings subject to change

Exposure Breakdowns

Exposure Breakdowns

as of 31/Jan/2025

% of Market Value

Type Fund Benchmark Net
as of 31/Jan/2025

% of Market Value

Type Fund Benchmark Net
as of 31/Jan/2025

% of Market Value

Type Fund Benchmark Net
as of 31/Jan/2025

% of Market Value

Type Fund Benchmark Net
as of 31/Jan/2025

% of Market Value

Type Fund Benchmark Net
Negative weightings may result from specific circumstances (including timing differences between trade and settle dates of securities purchased by the funds) and/or the use of certain financial instruments, including derivatives, which may be used to gain or reduce market exposure and/or risk management. Allocations are subject to change.

Pricing & Exchange

Pricing & Exchange

Investor Class Currency NAV NAV Amount Change NAV % Change NAV As Of 52wk High 52wk Low ISIN
Class A2 EUR 23.05 0.05 0.22 07/Feb/2025 23.05 21.63 LU0278457204
Class A8 Hedged AUD 4.69 0.01 0.21 07/Feb/2025 5.19 4.54 LU1133072774
Class SR2 USD 10.02 0.04 0.40 07/Feb/2025 10.74 9.62 LU2319963547
Class A2 CHF 21.73 0.14 0.65 07/Feb/2025 22.17 20.33 LU0938162186
Class I2 GBP 21.14 -0.03 -0.14 07/Feb/2025 21.17 20.04 LU1741217027
Class A2 Hedged EUR 6.72 0.03 0.45 07/Feb/2025 7.27 6.46 LU0359002093
Class A1 USD 2.89 0.01 0.35 07/Feb/2025 3.19 2.79 LU0278477574
Class I5 USD 7.23 0.03 0.42 07/Feb/2025 7.97 6.94 LU1495982867
Class A1 EUR 2.79 0.01 0.36 07/Feb/2025 2.90 2.70 LU0278461065
Class SR2 Hedged EUR 9.15 0.03 0.33 07/Feb/2025 9.88 8.80 LU2319963380
Class I2 CHF 23.91 0.15 0.63 07/Feb/2025 24.28 22.29 LU1781817694
Class D2 USD 26.09 0.10 0.38 07/Feb/2025 27.96 25.04 LU0383940458
Class SR3 Hedged GBP 7.64 0.03 0.39 07/Feb/2025 8.45 7.38 LU2319963463
Class A2 Hedged SGD 7.85 0.03 0.38 07/Feb/2025 8.49 7.55 LU0358998713
Class SR3 USD 7.93 0.03 0.38 07/Feb/2025 8.77 7.67 LU2319963620
Class D3 Hedged GBP 4.83 0.01 0.21 07/Feb/2025 5.35 4.67 LU0995345831
Class I5 EUR 6.96 0.01 0.14 07/Feb/2025 7.23 6.71 LU0995350831
Class D2 Hedged EUR 7.05 0.03 0.43 07/Feb/2025 7.61 6.78 LU0622213642
Class D2 CHF 23.68 0.14 0.59 07/Feb/2025 24.08 22.10 LU1065150267
Class D2 Hedged CHF 7.70 0.03 0.39 07/Feb/2025 8.40 7.42 LU1688375184
Class I2 EUR 25.36 0.05 0.20 07/Feb/2025 25.36 23.71 LU1559746307
Class A4 EUR 11.41 0.02 0.18 07/Feb/2025 11.82 10.86 LU0478974834
Class D5 GBP 6.88 -0.01 -0.15 07/Feb/2025 7.34 6.61 LU1694209807
Class A2 Hedged SEK 79.38 0.28 0.35 07/Feb/2025 86.11 76.43 LU1715605868
Class A4 USD 11.85 0.05 0.42 07/Feb/2025 13.13 11.38 LU0548402170
Class A3 USD 2.91 0.01 0.34 07/Feb/2025 3.22 2.82 LU0278470132
Class A3 HKD 22.69 0.09 0.40 07/Feb/2025 25.06 21.93 LU0388349754
Class A2 USD 23.93 0.09 0.38 07/Feb/2025 25.70 22.98 LU0278470058
Class A3 EUR 2.81 0.01 0.36 07/Feb/2025 2.92 2.72 LU0278457469
Class A6 Hedged SGD 5.08 0.02 0.40 07/Feb/2025 5.70 4.92 LU1676225185
Class D3 Hedged AUD 4.49 0.01 0.22 07/Feb/2025 4.98 4.35 LU0827884841
Class I2 Hedged EUR 7.33 0.03 0.41 07/Feb/2025 7.91 7.05 LU0473186707
Class D2 Hedged GBP 13.98 0.06 0.43 07/Feb/2025 14.99 13.42 LU0827885491
Class D3 EUR 11.61 0.03 0.26 07/Feb/2025 12.06 11.24 LU0827884924
Class D3 USD 12.05 0.05 0.42 07/Feb/2025 13.32 11.65 LU0523291242
Class A6 USD 5.94 0.03 0.51 07/Feb/2025 6.59 5.74 LU1408528211
Class D4 EUR 11.44 0.02 0.18 07/Feb/2025 11.89 10.88 LU0827885145
Class D2 EUR 25.13 0.05 0.20 07/Feb/2025 25.13 23.51 LU0329592702
Class I2 USD 26.33 0.10 0.38 07/Feb/2025 28.21 25.28 LU0520955575
Class D2 Hedged SGD 8.35 0.03 0.36 07/Feb/2025 9.02 8.03 LU0827884767
Class D2 Hedged PLN 10.48 0.04 0.38 07/Feb/2025 11.21 10.06 LU0827884684
Class A3 Hedged AUD 4.49 0.01 0.22 07/Feb/2025 4.98 4.35 LU0575500318
Class A6 Hedged CAD 5.61 0.02 0.36 07/Feb/2025 6.27 5.44 LU1408528641
Class A6 Hedged HKD 56.90 0.21 0.37 07/Feb/2025 63.36 55.05 LU1408528484
Class D4 USD 11.88 0.04 0.34 07/Feb/2025 13.20 11.41 LU0827885228
Class A6 Hedged GBP 5.22 0.02 0.38 07/Feb/2025 5.80 5.05 LU1408528302
Class D3 HKD 93.85 0.39 0.42 07/Feb/2025 103.66 90.71 LU0827885061
Class A2 Hedged PLN 9.85 0.03 0.31 07/Feb/2025 10.56 9.46 LU0480535052
Class A8 Hedged NZD 5.88 0.02 0.34 07/Feb/2025 6.54 5.69 LU1408528724
Class A2 CZK 578.39 1.11 0.19 07/Feb/2025 582.03 534.29 LU1791177113
Class A2 Hedged CHF 6.27 0.02 0.32 07/Feb/2025 6.85 6.04 LU0623004180

Portfolio Managers

Portfolio Managers

Laurent Develay
Laurent Develay
Amer Bisat
Managing Director, Head of Emerging Markets Fixed Income

Amer Bisat, PhD., Managing Director, is Head of Emerging Markets Fixed Income and a member of the Fundamental-GFI Executive Committee.

Michal Wozniak
Michal Wozniak

