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Change is constant. Time passes. Markets move. Client's needs and expectations evolve. Yet, establishing and revisiting a plan for retirement as things change can be daunting – leading to missed opportunities to realign with your clients’ lives, and goals.
BlackRock’s iRetire® changes that.
With iRetire you can quickly and easily assess the feasibility of your client's retirement income goals, build trust and add value by exposing potential gaps in their current savings and investing strategies and align on a new plan based on a number of inputs, including held-away assets – to help ensure they’re on a path to meet their retirement income goals.
Use the iRetire decumulation module to help guide retired clients and prospects toward balancing today’s income needs with those that may arise in the future.
Change the dialogue with clients and prospects by downloading personalized, client-ready reports to help kick-start the conversation around retirement – connecting the dots between their finances and their lifetime income goals.
Use iRetire today to help strengthen relationships and make planning an easy, continuous process.
Use iRetire as a fast and repeatable way to kick start the conversation around retirement income. Quickly illustrate how you’ll help clients and prospects navigate tradeoffs in how they save, spend and invest to and through retirement.
Watch this short video to learn more.