Learn more about alternatives at BlackRock
Email: altshelp@blackrock.com
Increased volatility and positive correlations between stocks and bonds have created a need for more diversification in portfolios. Alternative strategies can help build resiliency by seeking returns from differentiated sources.
Alternative funds can help provide an alternative source of diversification to traditional fixed income, while also being lowly correlated to equity markets.
Private markets have historically delivered attractive risk-adjusted returns.3 Tap into new opportunities for individual investors to access private markets.
Elevated volatility in fixed income and more macroeconomic dispersion have created new opportunity in alternative strategies. Look for true diversification without sacrificing potential returns.
Help your clients achieve their goals with our alternatives platform and resources.
Ticker |
Name |
Morningstar Category |
Overall Morningstar Rating* |
Private credit |
Private credit |
Private equity |
Multistrategy |
3 |
Macro trading |
4 |
Event Driven |
4 |
Equity market neutral |
4 |
Nontraditional bond |
3 |
Comm. broad basket |
3 |
Real estate |
4 |
Source: Morningstar as of 6/30/2024. Systematic Multi-Strategy, rated against 112 Multi-strategy Funds. Tactical Opportunities rated against 53 Macro trading Funds; Event Driven Equity rated against 45 Event Driven Funds. Global Equity Market Neutral rated against 40 Equity Market Neutral Funds; Global Long/Short Credit rated against 278 Nontraditional Bond Funds; Commodity Strategies rated against 98 Commodities Broad Basket Funds; Real Estate Securities rated against 225 Real Estate Funds. The Overall Morningstar Rating for a fund is derived from a weighted average of the performance figures associated with its 3-, 5-, and 10-year (if applicable) Morningstar Rating metrics. Ratings are based on risk-adjusted total returns. See below for additional information.
Seek to diversify.
Seek to amplify with new vehicles designed for wealth clients.
View our selection of resources, articles, videos, and more for BlackRock’s alternatives platform.
Email: altshelp@blackrock.com