Building windows

Optimizing DC plans: Core investment menu enhancements

We work with defined contribution (DC) advisors to help elevate their strategy with a diverse range of investment solutions. Empower plan sponsors to construct a flexible core menu, meeting individual needs in today's dynamic market landscape.
Vibrant colored shapes stacked, representing active equity strategies for growth in unpredictable markets.
Active equity
Consider strategies that offer participants the ability to find growth and diversification in uncertain markets.
Vibrant colored pie chart representing active fixed income strategies to provide flexibility for equity diversification, stability and consistent returns.
Active fixed income
Use a wide range of strategies to provide flexibility for equity diversification, stability and consistent returns.
vibrant colored shapes acting as a balancing scale representing index strategies to help manage risk and optimize outcomes
Integrate index strategies to help manage risk and optimize outcomes.
Vibrant colored water droplets representing adding alternative investments to help amplify returns and diversify equity risk.
Liquid alternatives
Add alternative investments to help amplify returns and diversify equity risk.

Building retirement resilience

A new market regime of economic uncertainty continues to impact retirement portfolios and participants. Explore our investment actions for plan sponsors to consider for investment menus to help navigate this environment.
A woman stands confidently, embodying the theme of building retirement resilience.

Evaluating the core menu:

Provide increased value to plan sponsors by helping them navigate today's complex investment landscape so they can meet their fiduciary responsibilities.
Manage volatility and growth
Consider how returns correlate among equity and fixed income options to assess diversification.
Optimize outcomes
Balance index and active asset management to help achieve returns while maintaining cost efficiency.
Align with the IPS
Ensure any changes to menu options reflect the policies contained in the investment policy statement (IPS).

Meet our team

Connect with your local BlackRock defined contribution consultant to discover a diverse array of options for crafting a comprehensive plan menu tailored to meet your sponsor client needs.
Man going into the red plane with luggage