Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

Buying this investment trust

Buying shares in the BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust is easy. You can do so via a stockbroker or an online platform. You can also invest in investment trusts through your ISA with another provider or self-invested personal pension (SIPP).

Managing this investment trust

It is important to keep up to date with how the Trust is performing and the wider issues which might influence how it is invested. All the information you need will be on the trust information section of the BlackRock website. You will also receive regular updates from the portfolio manager and the board of directors who oversee the Trust.

Voting at Annual General Meetings (AGM)

By voting on the resolutions to be considered at the AGM, you can have your say on the governance of the Company and the actions of the Board. The Board of Directors therefore encourages you to make use of your vote and so ensure your views are heard. Resolutions are listed in the Annual Report and Accounts for each Company, which can be found on the BlackRock website.

If you hold your shares via an online platform, please refer to your platform provider for information on how to vote, including any steps you may need to take to be able to vote at the meeting, if you wish to do so rather than voting in advance.

Choose your preferred way to invest

Image of a target board
Investment strategies targeting growth and income.
Image of a bar chart
Decades of proven experience running investment trusts since 1992.
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Unparalleled research capabilities and experienced stock pickers.
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Telephone: 020 7743 3000