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In the eye of the storm

Global insurers are in the midst of a multi-year journey through a series of challenges with little or no precedent. BlackRock presents
In the eye of the storm’, its fifth annual report on the industry, based on research conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit.

The picture that emerges shows more than a few paradoxes. Insurers are navigating multiple cross-currents while the survey also presents a picture of perseverance and progress.

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Key findings from a survey of 315 global insurance executives

Over 50% highlight both weak economic growth and geopolitical risk as major issuesNearly 50%* are less concerned over regulation as a change driver *Year-on-yearUltralow rates drive insurers to maintain or increase risk (47% increase, 46% maintain, 8% reduce*) % may not add to 100 due to rounding.61% plan to increase allocations to three or more private market investments  Insurers stockpile cash - to increase holdings41% of insurers to increase allocation to non-investment grade fixed income.

Source for all data: BlackRock Global Research Survey in partnership with the Economist Intelligence Unit, May – August 2016

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David Lomas

Global Head, Financial Institutions Group
+44 20 7743 2210

Zach Buchwald

Head, Financial Institutions Group for North America
+1 212 810 5650