Total Portfolio Workbench

Analyze drivers of risk and return, construct new portfolios, and compare the impact of changes across different market environments.

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Strengthen your asset allocation

We need portfolios that are resilient, diversified, and are designed to produce robust returns across a variety of market environments.

Access BlackRock’s best in class risk, return and stress testing capabilities in a single framework to empower a total portfolio assessment.

175+ asset classes
Build a custom asset allocation via public or private, traditional or sustainable asset classes.
Macro factor risk assessment
Examine underlying sources of portfolio risk & return across both an asset class and factor lens.
100+ scenarios
Conduct stress testing across expansive historical and hypothetical scenarios.
Portfolio sustainability profile
Assess the sustainability profile of a portfolio across various ESG metrics.

How well does your portfolio reflect your investment objectives?

See how Total Portfolio Workbench can shed new light on your portfolio, enabling you to analyze risk, return and resiliency through multiple lenses.
Total portfolio workbench ipad view
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Total Portfolio Workbench empowers investors to construct portfolios that leverage differentiated sources of return and promote diversification to help provide downside protection.

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Andrew Ang Andrew Ang, PhD Managing Director, Head of Factors, Sustainable and Solutions for BlackRock Systematic

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