Why should I download the BlackRock Institutional app?

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Get market insights
Stay on top of the latest market trends and insights with podcasts, videos and short stories that cover everything from asset allocation to ETFs to inflation considerations.
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Sharpen your skills
Learn from our experts on demand and in-person at BlackRock Educational Academy – with courses on the latest in risk analysis, private markets, asset classes, and more.
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Connect with other investors
Connect with a community of institutional investors like you. Get to know our featured contributors and interact with weekly polls to see what matters most to investors.
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Monitor your positions
For BlackRock clients only - Log into your BlackRock account in the BlackRock institutional app to view and monitor your portfolio – event when you’re not at your desk.

Register for events

Connect with the BlackRock Future Forum and Market Pulse webcasts to get the latest views from industry leaders on pressing questions across policy, technology, healthcare and more. Register for BlackRock Educational Academy courses on asset classes, portfolio construction and other topics from leading BlackRock investors.
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Find answers to our most frequently asked questions

  • There is no cost to download the BlackRock Institutional app for iOS or Android.

  • The BlackRock Institutional mobile app is for professional and institutional investors in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

  • No. While only clients of BlackRock can log into their portfolios, any institutional or professional investor can use the BlackRock institutional app for free to register for events and read BlackRock thought leadership on topics that matter to institutional investors.

  • No, the BlackRock Institutional mobile app requires an internet connection to deliver fresh, timely market insights, analysis, events, podcasts and market take videos.

  • The app includes curated content from thought leaders across BlackRock. Content includes stories from BlackRock Investment Institute, BlackRock Education Academy, BlackRock Alternatives, iShares, Aladdin Perspectives, the Bid Podcast, the BlackRock Bottom Line, and more.