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Thematic investing

Mega forces: An investment opportunity

Mega forces are big, structural changes that affect investing now - and far in the future. As key drivers of the new regime of greater macroeconomic and market volatility, they change the long-term growth and inflation outlook and are poised to create big shifts in profitability across economies and sectors. This creates major opportunities - and risks - for investors.

Here we outline the five mega forces we are tracking – and will share our research on each over time.

5 key mega forces shaping our future

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Demographic divergence

The world is split between aging and younger economies
Aging populations in major economies are poised to limit how much countries can produce and grow. By contrast, selected emerging market economies can benefit from younger populations and growing middle classes.

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Digital disruption and artificial Intelligence (AI)

Potential to boost productivity
Artificial intelligence can automate laborious tasks, analyze huge sets of data and help generate fresh ideas. Digital disruption goes beyond AI.

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Geopolitical fragmentation and economic competition

Rewiring global supply chains
In a marked departure from the post-Cold War period of increasing globalization, we see countries favoring national security and resilience over economic efficiency.

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Future of finance

A fast-evolving financial architecture
A fast-evolving financial architecture is changing how households and companies use cash, borrow, transact and seek returns.

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Transition to a low-carbon economy

A massive reallocation of capital
The transition to a low-carbon economy is set to spur a massive reallocation of capital as energy systems are rewired.


Explore how you can use iShares mega forces ETFs to help your clients invest in the trends making headlines today.

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Capture the potential growth from the disruptive companies leading the way in cybersecurity.

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Clean Energy

Invest in the global energy transition across hydro, solar, wind and hydrogen.

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Automation and Robotics

Access to a wide range of automation and robotics companies —from industrial machinery to hardware and software.

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Smart Cities

Invest in the cities of the future and companies in the field of resource efficiency, urban connectivity and citizen well-being.

Thematic Investing: Mega forces

Active and Index Mega forces Funds provide unconstrained access across different sectors, geographies, and market cap sizes and companies set to benefit from global structural change.

Thematic Investing: Sector

Additionally, explore sectors with long-term growth tail winds. See our Active and Index Healthcare and Technology Sector funds.


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