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Explore the education platform

The education platform provides learning modules on portfolio construction and ETFs to help investors learn the basics and potentially make better investment decisions.
  • Weekly market commentary

    Jul 22, 2024 | By BlackRock Investment Institute
    We think big tech can keep delivering on high corporate earnings expectations. We stay positive on stocks and the artificial intelligence theme. Read more.
  • Waves of transformation

    Jul 9, 2024 | By BlackRock
    Explore BlackRock's midyear outlook on investment in transformative AI, low-carbon transition, and global supply chains against a backdrop of economic shifts.
  • Investing in robotics: why now could be the right time

    Jan 25, 2023 | By Jeff Spiegel
    In this article we explore why investors seeking exposure to robotics may want to consider ETFs that target the robotics value chain.
  • 3 common mistakes investors make — and how to avoid them

    Nov 7, 2022 | By Daniel Prince, CFA
    In the current market environment, it’s more important than ever to double down on your investment strategy. Here we outline three mistakes to take heed of.
  • Bonds are ready for this volatile market moment

    Sep 22, 2022 | By Gargi Pal Chaudhuri
    In the U.S., recession risks are rising, and stagflation may be poised for a comeback. However, short-dated bonds could help – Gargi Pai Chaudhuri explains why.
  • Demystifying minimum volatility

    Sep 22, 2022 | By Lukas Smart
    Lukas Smart, Head of U.S. iShares Sustainable and Factor Strategies, explains the strategic role that minimum volatility strategies can have in a portfolio.
  • Tools and interactive charts

    Sep 28, 2018 | By BlackRock
    Explore our tools and interactive charts to help you and your clients make better investment decisions.
  • Investing and monitoring

    Read the third module of the portfolio construction course, which details how investing and monitoring help financial professionals build better portfolios.
  • Sustainable investing: resilience amid uncertainty

    BlackRock discusses how sustainable strategies, amid a recent market downturn, have demonstrated their resilience. Learn more here.
  • Understanding portfolio construction

    Explore the first module of the portfolio construction course, which details the basics and how to enhance the investment process. Start learning now.

    Fixed income ETFs have long been an important staple in investor portfolios, offering the potential for steady income and relatively low volatility.

    Start the ETF course, covering what ETFs are, how they compare to other investments, the advantages and risks and how to implement them into a portfolio.
  • Sustainability as BlackRock’s New Standard for Investing

    Sustainability will drive the way we manage risk, construct portfolios, design products, and engage with companies. Read our Global Executive Committee letter.
  • Innovative climate solutions

    Read about the BlackRock Foundation’s $100m commitment to help spur innovation and accelerate decarbonization solutions that will help society prosper.
  • Waves of transformation

    BlackRock is one of the world’s preeminent asset management firms and a premier provider of investment management. Find out more information here.

    Explore the first module of the ETF course, which defines what ETFs are, details the advantages and explains the risks and how to combat them.

    Find more information about style investing how to access the US equity market with precision with iShares Russell 1000 Growth & Value UCITS ETFs. Learn more.
  • Meet our team

    Learn about BlackRock’s global and regional leadership teams, and the local team dedicated to the Latin America region. Explore the team’s biographies.
  • Mega forces: An investment opportunity

    Investing in Megatrends, Thematic Investing and investing in sectors is a way to access structural trends changing the world through equities.
  • Larry Fink's 2021 letter to CEOs

    In his annual letter to CEOs, BlackRock’s Larry Fink discusses how the events of 2020 are helping to accelerate an economic transformation.
  • Pursue investment outcomes with factors

    Factor investing is targeted drivers of risk and return in your portfolio. Learn what the factors are and how their use is being revolutionized by technology.
  • Alternative investments 101

    Explore Module 1: Alternative Investments 101 to begin your journey on alternative solutions

    iShares relentlessly pursues better ways to invest and empowers investors to control their financial futures. Learn about our mission, history and leadership.
  • Profit & Purpose

    In his annual letter on corporate governance, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink explores how companies can achieve long-term financial returns
  • About BlackRock in Latin America

    BlackRock is a global investment manager, dedicated to your long-term, financial well-being. Learn more about BlackRock in Latin America.

    iShares Core ETFs are a low-cost, efficient way to build the core of a portfolio. Learn how to access diversified exposures and facilitate asset allocation.
  • A Fundamental Reshaping of Finance

    In his annual letter to CEOs, BlackRock's Larry Fink discusses the fundamental reshaping of finance and how climate change is a significant focal point.

    Learn how iShares Megatrend ETFs can help your clients invest in cutting-edge innovations making headlines today and transforming our future.
  • From ambition to action - the path to net zero

  • Alternatives investments course

    Take our 5 step Alternative investments course to become an alternatives guru and learn about the basics of alternative investing
  • Benchmarking and budgeting

    Read the second module of the portfolio construction course, which details how benchmarking and budgeting help financial professionals build better portfolios.
  • Alternative asset classes: hedge funds, private equity, private credit

    Explore Module 2: Learn about what each alternative asset class entails across hedge funds, private equity and private credit
  • Mega forces: An investment opportunity

    Investing in Megatrends, Thematic Investing and investing in sectors is a way to access structural trends changing the world through equities.

    Finding it difficult to understand the Yield curve? Our Strategic expert Chris Dhanraj shares his views to bridge the knowledge gap to help the investors.
  • Scale your practice with BlackRock Model Portfolios

    BlackRock models built with iShares UCITS ETFs for offshore investors provide investment solutions across different risk preferences. Learn more.
  • Rethinking risk

    Read the fourth module of the portfolio construction course, which dives into what risk really means, the different types of risk, and how to measure it.
  • Unconstrained Equity. Ignore the noise.

    In today’s volatile environment, to achieve differentiated returns, you might have to think a little differently

    Explore the third module of the ETFs course to explore the key considerations before investing in an ETF and learn about the buying/selling process.
  • Net zero: a fiduciary approach

    The global transition to a net zero economy is accelerating, with dramatic implications for investors. Learn how we’re helping clients navigate this transformation.
  • Portfolio construction

    Start the portfolio construction course, covering best practices on having an established process, the impact of risk and the benefits of diversification.

    iShares ETFs do more than you think and have proven their liquidity during 2020’s tumult. Get a new perspective on ETFs today
  • Global Credit

    BlackRock’s global credit platform investors a one-stop shop to optimize credit allocations and provides credit solutions across risk, liquidity and geographies.
  • Family Offices

    BlackRock helps family offices achieve their objectives across a full range of solutions; market expertise, leading investment, and technology solutions.
  • Sustainable investing

    Sustainable investing is about investing in progress and pioneering better ways of doing business. Take a sustainable approach to pursuing your goals.
  • Investment stewardship

    As an independent, fiduciary asset manager, we’re committed to acting at all times in the long-term best interests of our fund investors. Read more.
  • Sustainability and alternative investing

    Explore module 4: learn about the intersection between sustainability and alternative investing

    International investing is an investment strategy that involves selecting global investment instruments as part of an investment portfolio. It is essential for a well-diversified portfolio, and iShares ETFs offer a world of opportunity.
  • FAQ

  • Share classes and loads

    Share Classes and Loads provide a look into sales charges for all investment types. Compare information for both equity and fixed income mutual funds.

    Explore the fifth module of the ETFs course to explore the benefits of different ETF types – UCIT ETFs in particular – and how to implement them in a portfolio.

Take the complexity out of investing

BlackRock is a global asset manager, focused on helping more and more people experience financial well-being. That starts with education. Through this platform, investors can take charge of their financial futures.
Hands lifted with purpose


What is an ETF?

An ETF, or Exchange traded fund, is a group of diverse assets that trades on a stock exchange as a unit.

Imagine a set of building blocks. Each block is a piece in and of itself, but if you group them together, they create a structure, or an ETF.

An ETF is made up of several diversified “building blocks” such as stocks, bonds or commodities. An individual block can represent a company (Apple) or country (Mexico), but together they form an industry (technology) or a continent (Latin America).

ETFs are characterized for being:

Diversified: they contain a variety of assets such as stocks, bonds and commodities

Transparent: you can see the underlying investments contained within each ETF

Accessible: ETFs provide access to markets and industries worldwide

Flexible: ETFs operate similarly to stocks; they can be traded as long as the exchange where they are traded is open, and their price adjusts throughout the day

Cost Efficient: Management fees on most ETFs are usually much lower than mutual funds, which increases the possibility of better returns

What is an ETF?

An ETF, or Exchange traded fund, is a group of diverse assets that trades on a stock exchange as a unit.

Imagine a set of building blocks. Each block is a piece in and of itself, but if you group them together, they create a structure, or an ETF.

An ETF is made up of several diversified “building blocks” such as stocks, bonds or commodities. An individual block can represent a company (Apple) or country (Mexico), but together they form an industry (technology) or a continent (Latin America).

ETFs are characterized for being:

Diversified: they contain a variety of assets such as stocks, bonds and commodities

Transparent: you can see the underlying investments contained within each ETF

Accessible: ETFs provide access to markets and industries worldwide

Flexible: ETFs operate similarly to stocks; they can be traded as long as the exchange where they are traded is open, and their price adjusts throughout the day

Cost Efficient: Management fees on most ETFs are usually much lower than mutual funds, which increases the possibility of better returns


Launch the portfolio construction course

Properly building an investment portfolio can be a true differentiator for financial professionals among their clients. Learn the fundamentals of portfolio construction to get started.
Building an investment portfolio


Explore the ins and outs of exchange-traded funds (ETFs), from the different types, advantages and risks to considering varying investment options.
Jumping into the ETF course

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