About BlackRock in the U.S.

We’re an asset manager and one of the world’s leading providers of investment, advisory, and risk management solutions. We’re a fiduciary to our clients, and by investing on their behalf, we help millions of hardworking Americans experience financial well-being.1

A woman is bent down putting shoes on a young girl who is getting ready to leave home for elementary school.

Recognized by Fortune Magazine: World’s Most Admired Companies

We’re honored to be on Fortune Magazine’s list of the World’s Most Admired Companies for the 12th consecutive year, ranking 1st in the securities and asset management industry.2

Why BlackRock?

More and more investors put their trust in BlackRock, in large part because we offer more choice than any other firm in our industry.3 Our global platform is designed to help our clients become better positioned to meet the financial goals that matter most to them.

BlackRock generated $1.8 trillion of net inflows over the last 5 years4
We help more than 35 million Americans invest to save for retirement5
More than 190,000 financial advisors in the U.S. choose BlackRock to help build client portfolios6

What does BlackRock do?

My name is Petrushka Basin Larsen and my husband and I own Sugar Hill Creamery.

As a small business owner, I wanted a very secure personal financial foundation. I learned about low- fee ETFs and that if you decide to invest early and often you have options in the future.

Knowing that my self directed investments are working hard makes it a lot easier for us to focus on what were trying to build here.

Access to investing.


Through our Shares* funds. BlackRock offers more US ETFs than anyone else.

This material does not constitute investment advice. Investment involves risks, including possible loss of principal.

Visit iShares.com to view a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, fees, expenses and other information that you should read and considercarefully before investing. Risks include principal loss. Prepared b yBlackRock Investments, LLC. ©2023 BlackRock, Inc. or its affillates. Al Rights Reserved. BLACKROCK and iSHARES are trademarksof BlackRock, Inc. or its affiliates. Source: ETFDB.com, as of 5/18/23, based on number of funds.

©2023 BlackRock, Inc. All rights reserved. RO 2938792

We make investing easier and more affordable for more Americans

Through iShares Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), we’re making it easier, more convenient, and more cost-effective for anyone to access market opportunities. Since 2015, iShares fee reductions have helped investors save nearly $600 million.7

We invest our clients' money in local communities to help them prosper

We help our clients invest their money in all types of American companies, as well as in cities and states through public projects like bridges, roads, and schools. To date, we’ve invested $21B in transportation projects across the U.S.8

We believe that contributing to the growth of our communities helps all of us thrive.

And we support financial professionals, so they can better support you

Helping institutional investors make confident decisions
See why our AI-infused, end-to-end risk management platform is used by hundreds of institutional and professional investors to gain clarity into their investment portfolios.
Helping financial advisors deliver more value
Our range of customizable model portfolios are managed with a disciplined approach and can rebalance in difficult markets, helping portfolios stay more resilient over time.
Acting as a fiduciary
We start by understanding the client’s investment objectives; we seek the best risk-adjusted returns within the mandate; and we underpin our work with data and analytics.