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Investing in Europe

Our European investment platform

BlackRock is one of the leading investment managers in the region.

We have been entrusted to manage €1.9tn on behalf of European clients1, making us one of the leading investment managers in the region. We will continue to invest in research, products, portfolio implementation solutions, and services across the region. And perhaps most critically, we will use our technology, know-how, talent and more than 30 years’ worth of investment expertise to build better portfolios.

Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

We offer a full range of investment products across multiple investment classes, capitalisations, sectors, and styles, including alpha and index options.

1 Source: BlackRock, June 2021.

  • BlackRock has built a substantial European presence in fixed-income investing. Our diverse platform and capabilities cover all manner of European assets, from liquid, high-quality bonds to unique private-debt opportunities.

    Risk: Two main risks related to fixed income investing are interest rate risk and credit risk. Typically, when interest rates rise, there is a corresponding decline in the market value of bonds. Credit risk refers to the possibility that the issuer of the bond will not be able to repay the principal and make interest payments.

    See list of available funds

  • The European Multi-Asset Division uses the core strength of our firm – a collaborative, fundamentally driven investment culture – to create multi-asset solutions that aim to meet the goals of our clients.

    Risk: The Fund may invest in a variety of investment strategies and instruments while aiming to be highly diversified in terms of risk and returns. The Fund is therefore directly and indirectly, through its investments, subject to the risks each of these investment strategies and instruments are subject to.

  • BlackRock has a multitude of European equity products to help clients pursue their equity-investing goals. We use our diverse capabilities and rigorous process to pursue strong performance. We are the leading European Equity manager.

    Risk: The value of equities and equity-related securities can be affected by daily stock market movements. Other influential factors include political, economic news, company earnings and significant corporate events.

    See list of available funds

  • We have built a leading alternatives platform that offers access to more complex liquid and illiquid alternative options, including European Long-Term Investment Funds – which are designed to boost investment in the real economy across the continent.

Our alpha investment team

To get the answers we need to make high-quality investments, our investment professionals go out into the field. They don’t stop at surface-level analysis; they aim to uncover more opportunities for our clients and are constantly on the lookout, analysing policy, markets and companies. Our professionals rely on first-hand, independent analysis and on-site evaluations. By meeting with top decision-makers, executives and experts, they seek to ask the right questions to gain a deeper understanding of where a company stands and where it could go in the future.

Our depth of understanding has informed better decision-making and prudent risk management for more than 30 years. Our investment professionals are driven by a passion for exploration and understanding. They continue to take all the extra steps and additional research needed to uncover the deeper, better-informed insights that drive their investment decisions.

Our skilled portfolio managers average 20 years in the industry and represent over seven different European nationalities. They have invested in all kinds of markets, and they understand the geopolitical, market, and economic factors that can affect every type of investment. Using their knowledge and experience, they aim to thoughtfully manage risk while seeking to maximise value for our clients over longer-time horizons. The result is evident in our high-quality investment products.

Source: BlackRock, May 2021
Risk: There is no guarantee that a positive investment outcome will be achieved.

Expect more with iShares ETFs

We’re committed to matching the ambitions of our investors by delivering quality exchange traded funds (ETFs) and solutions for their financial needs. iShares has been a leader in the ETF marketplace for more than two decades1 by providing portfolio building blocks for investors large and small. Today, iShares ETFs make it simple for everyone to invest with efficiency and transparency at a fair price.

1 Source: Blackrock, as at 28th February 2022. iShares launched the first European ETFs in 2000.

ETFs that provide access to Europe