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MyMap multi-asset funds: Build simple, diversified client portfolios

MyMap. Ready when you are

Some of us can feel a little lost when it comes to investing.

MyMap is a range of ready-made funds, managed by BlackRock, making it easier for you to invest for the future you want, whatever that looks like.

Here's how.

MyMap is simple.

MyMap funds are ready-made and actively managed, which means the funds stay within each investment risk profile. Just get started and investment professionals do the rest.

MyMap is low-cost.

MyMap uses ETFs and index funds to keep costs low. And it really doesn't take much to get started.

MyMap is diversified.

With MyMap, you have access to a variety of assets, making sure all your eggs aren't in one basket. Diversified investments mean spread risk.

MyMap is managed by... us

BlackRock is one of the world's largest asset managers, with global insights and local know-how.

MyMap is your ready-made path to investing for what matters to you.

My future
My way
MyMap. Ready when you are.


My, My, My.

MyMap celebrates turning 5. What can a 5-year-old teach us about investing? Keep it simple.

Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

What is MyMap?

MyMap is an actively managed, multi-asset fund range that’s simple, diversified, cost-effective, and risk-managed. It’s ready-made for your clients – giving you back more of your time.

Whatever the plan, we’re ready-made for it. MyMap. Ready when you are.

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Benefit from the simplicity of MyMap

MyMap offers ready-made, risk managed and diversified funds. So the only thing you need to do is choose the risk profile that fits your clients’ comfort level.

Compare asset allocation in MyMap funds

Multi-asset funds can invest in a variety of assets like equities, bonds, and alternatives. They provide more diversification than investing in a single asset and are designed with a specific risk level in mind.

Risk: Diversification and asset allocation may not fully protect you from market risk.

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BlackRock, as at April 2, 2024. Please note figures may not add to 100% due to rounding and may be subject to change in the future. For illustrative purpose only.

How MyMap makes investing more cost-effective

Under the hood of each MyMap fund is a collection of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and index funds. These are investments that aim to track the performance of a specific index. An index represents the total return of a particular group of securities – often stocks or bonds. All MyMap funds charge a low-cost 0.17% fee except for the MyMap 4 Select Income, which charges 0.28%.1

If you consider two funds that differ only by their fee, you’ll see the MyMap fund that charges a 0.17% fee grew to over £353,000, which is approximately £34,000 more than the average investment fund that charges 0.65%.1

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The impact of fees

Bloomberg, MSCI February 28, 2024 (BlackRock analysis). For illustrative purposes only.
1D-share class only.
2Average based on Morningstar performance reporting data for Index Allocation Volatility Managed peer groups.

Risk and ratings of MyMap funds

We aim to capture investment potential while managing the costs and risks associated with investing. Each MyMap fund has a predefined risk profile, which is vital to achieving the right balance of risk and return potential. Our range is also mapped against risk rating agencies, helping you compare each fund’s risk against client expectations.

Fund name MyMap 3 MyMap 3
Select ESG
MyMap 4 MyMap 4
Select Income
MyMap 5 MyMap 5
Select ESG
MyMap 6 MyMap 7
Select ESG
Fees (OCF)* 0.17% 0.17% 0.17% 0.28% 0.17% 0.17% 0.17% 0.17%
Volatility targets 3-6% 3-6% 6-9% 6-9% 8-11% 8-11% 10-15% 12+%
Morningstar rated 3 NA 4 NA 4 NA 4 NA
Dynamic Planner rated 3 NA 5 4 5 5 7 NA
Defaqto rated 3 NA 4 4 5 5 7 NA
SRRI #band 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5

Morningstar, Defaqto and Dynamic Planner rating as at March 31, 2024.
3OCF (Ongoing Charges Figure) shown here is an estimated of the annualised charges. An estimate is being used because the Fund (or unit class) was newly launched or it has been launched within the reported period. The Fund’s annual report for each financial year will include detail on the exact charges made. Figures shown are charges for the D Share class and charges may vary for units of other share classes.
4Portfolio Managers’ current process, which is subject to change without notice.
5SRRI is a value on a scale from 1 – 7 (based on the volatility of the fund), with 1 representing a lower risk and 7 representing a higher risk. This gives an indication of the overall risk and reward profile of the Fund.

A simple way to match your clients'
investment and sustainability goals

The transition to a low-carbon economy is driving material investment risks and opportunities.
The MyMap range includes three ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) focused funds for clients asking how to combine their sustainability considerations and investment goals: MyMap 3 Select ESG, MyMap 5 Select ESG, and MyMap 7 Select ESG.

All three funds aim to:

Risk: This information should not be relied upon as investment advice, or a recommendation
regarding any products, strategies. The environmental, social and governance ("ESG”)
considerations discussed herein may affect an investment team’s decision to invest in certain
companies or industries from time to time. Results may differ from portfolios that do not apply
similar ESG considerations to their investment process.


6Sovereigns with improved ESG credentials are those who have an ESG rating of BB or higher (as defined by MSCI or another third party data vendor).

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How we incorporate sustainability considerations

The MyMap Select ESG funds have a climate goal to reduce carbon emission intensity relative to an equivalent non-sustainable asset mix by at least 30%. We also target a reduction in carbon emission intensity over periods of five consecutive years on a rolling quarterly basis.


Carbon Emission Intensity*

* tons of CO2 per million $ of Enterprise Value including Cash

Risk: The strategies discussed are strictly for illustrative and educational purposes and are not a
recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment
strategy. There is no guarantee that any strategies discussed will be effective.

ESG screening risk: The benchmark index only excludes companies engaging in certain activities inconsistent with ESG criteria if such activities exceed the thresholds determined by the index provider. Investors should therefore make a personal ethical assessment of the benchmark index’s ESG screening prior to investing in the Fund. Such ESG screening may adversely affect the value of the Fund’s investments compared to a fund without such screening.

There is no guarantee that dividends will be paid.

MyMap Brochure: Ready when you are

Download the MyMap brochure to discover the MyMap ready-made, multi-asset fund range in more detail.
Brochures laying on a table

Whatever your ‘My’ is, see how MyMap can help your clients do more

In today’s economic environment, it’s unlikely that savings alone will be sufficient to support your clients’ financial goals. Investing has the potential to protect your clients’ wealth and help it grow over time.

Baloon Icon
Beat back inflation
When inflation is high, that can mean your clients money may not go as far. Fortunately, there are multiple investments that may help beat inflation.
Boat icon
Save more for retirement
The average life expectancy continues to rise – increasing the risk of your clients outliving their savings. Plant the seed for today, and for the future.
Income icon
Invest for income
Investing has the potential to generate inflation beating returns. This may protect your clients wealth from erosion, but also may help it grow over time.

Investing outperforms savings over the long term

This chart compares long-term growth of £10,000 between a multi-asset investment portfolio7 and a typical UK savings account8, with results based on real historical returns.

Over a 24-year period, the investment portfolio has grown and is now worth £35,855, whilst money parked in a savings account has barely kept up with inflation.

Risk: Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy.

For illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice or investment recommendation of multi-asset investment portfolios.

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The power of investing

Bank of England, Bloomberg, MSCI February 28, 2023 (BlackRock analysis). For illustrative purposes only.
7A multi-asset portfolio combines different types of assets (e.g. stocks, bonds, real estate or cash) to create a diversified portfolio. In this case we use a blend 60% equities (MSCI All Country World Index Total Return in GBP) and 40% global bonds (Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index Total Return GBP hedged).
8UK savings account would simply mean an interest-bearing deposit account held at a bank or other financial institutions – typically paying a moderate interest rate.

Powered with local expert knowledge and global market insights

Choosing the best investments for your clients can be challenging – especially in volatile markets. But any journey is easier when you have a map. That s why MyMap funds are actively managed by a dedicated team of investment experts.

For Professional Clients only.

Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

Thanks for joining us for this quarter’s MyMap update. I’m David Lanaway from the UK wealth sales team.

Ahead of getting into our third update of 2024, I just wanted to say how much the team and I have enjoyed connecting with many of you at our events and webinars, including the recent birthday celebrations held here in London for MyMap’s 5 year anniversary!

 It’s been fantastic to see the enthusiasm for our simple, low-cost yet actively managed fund range, and hear how the fund range suits you and your clients’ needs, all for 17bps OCF for each fund – including our ESG mini family! The exception of course is our MyMap 4 Select Income fund which is 28bps.

As we navigate through 2024, the global economic landscape continues to evolve. We anticipate a period of modest growth over the next 12 to 24 months, leaning more towards a soft landing rather than a sharp downturn or rapid acceleration.

The quarter started with mixed signals, as resilient US economic data and persistent inflation tempered expectations for immediate rate cuts by the Federal Reserve. However, financial markets saw a rebound as US inflation began to soften, rekindling hopes for sustained growth. Despite some political uncertainties in Europe affecting market sentiments, the overall economic outlook remains cautiously positive.

Europe’s economy shows signs of resilience and we observed strong potential for consumer spending, bolstered by high household savings rates that have yet to diminish significantly.

In response to the current economic indicators, we adjusted our portfolios by slightly reducing our equity exposure in MyMap 3, MyMap 5 and MyMap 6, maintaining a cautiously optimistic risk-on approach. This recalibration helps us stay aligned with our strategic risk targets.

Our equity strategy continues to favour US, Japanese, and Emerging Market equities, given their robust earnings and potential for growth. Conversely, we remain underweight in European equities. The ongoing AI-led investment cycle in the US and signs of an earnings turnaround in China bolster our confidence in these markets.

For Small Cap equities, we’ve dialled back our previous increase in allocation. The anticipated volatility from the upcoming US elections and limited near-term growth prospects led us to this decision, favouring larger cap stocks that are more directly benefiting from technological advancements.

For onscreen: Risk: There can be no guarantee that the investment strategy can be successful and the value of investments may go down as well as up.

In fixed income, we've increased our holdings in ultrashort bonds to better manage interest rate volatility, adjusting portfolio durations across the MyMap range accordingly. We now prefer hard currency Emerging Market Debt over High Yield for its comparative value and lower market saturation.

We reintroduced an allocation to Gold, reflecting rising geopolitical tensions and a shift towards broader de-dollarisation trends among central banks. This strategic move is complemented by a reduction in our broader commodities holdings, anticipating a softening in US inflation in the latter half of the year.

Despite some challenges, particularly in Japanese equities and European assets, the quarter was generally positive. US equities were a notable driver of performance, particularly tech stocks focused on Artificial Intelligence, which continue to outperform. Emerging Market equities, especially in China and India, have also shown strong returns, supported by favourable government policies and investor confidence in ongoing economic reforms.

For onscreen: Risk: Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy.

For more detailed insights, I invite you to explore our quarterly commentary and other materials available in our MyMap hub by searching for BlackRock MyMap.

Thank you for your time today. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of our team members to answer any questions you may have.

MyMap Q2 quarterly update

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Meet our experts

Rafael Iborra
Rafael Iborra
Lead Portfolio Manager for the MyMap Fund Range
Claire Gallagher
Portfolio Manager, BlackRock’s Multi-Asset Strategies and Solutions
Chris Ellis Thomas
Portfolio Manager & Lead Strategist, BlackRock’s Multi-Asset Strategies and Solutions

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Square Mile recommended

The core MyMap range has been rated as part of Square Mile’s "Academy of Funds".