Rethinking retirement

In the UK, BlackRock manages the pensions savings, on behalf of our clients, for over 12 million people. We believe that people deserve financial security across their lifetime, and that retirement should be within reach for everyone1.

At the same time, build over time — a secure, well-earned retirement is a much harder proposition than it was 30 years ago. And it’ll be a much harder proposition 30 years from now. People are living longer lives. They’ll need more money.

This predicament — which exists across the globe — leads us to conclude: It’s time to rethink retirement.

Larry Fink on rethinking retirement

Larry Fink considers the challenge of retirement, why it has become an increasingly difficult proposition for too many, and what opportunities exist and will be developed to help people achieve their financial freedom.

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Larry Fink’s 2024 Annual Chairman’s Letter to Investors

In Larry Fink’s letter to investors, he talks about how we can “rethink retirement” and why he believes the capital markets can help meet the needs of tomorrow’s retirees.
Image of Larry Fink

1Source: BlackRock as of 31 December 2023.