Active equity

What is the role of active equity in your DC investment menu?

Changing markets, new alpha generation strategies, more complex risk management and a focus on fees have complicated the selection of active strategies in defined contribution (DC) plan menus. It may no longer be enough to simply check the style boxes. Plan sponsors may need to budget risk across asset classes and understand what’s expected to drive risk and return correlations on a deep level.

Addressing DC plan sponsor challenges

Fees, participant behavior and diversification are important considerations for plan sponsors.

BlackRock’s extensive platform of active equity strategies leverages the firm’s unique scale and breadth of capabilities to help deliver strong, consistent outcomes and meet fiduciary responsibilities.

Accessing new sources of information as past techniques lose effectiveness

Discovering new market inefficiencies is key to a fund’s success.

Source: BlackRock. All data as of Sep 30, 2024. For illustrative purposes only.