David Piazza

David Piazza

Managing Director, Systematic Equities

David Piazza, Managing Director, is a portfolio manager within BlackRock’s Systematic investment team. He is primarily responsible for Emerging Market equity strategies.


Mr. Piazza's service with the firm dates back to 1997, including his years with Barclays Global Investors (BGI), which merged with BlackRock in 2009. Prior to assuming his current role, he led the Equity Investments team within the Global Market Strategies business of BlackRock's Multi-Asset Investments Group. In earlier roles within the multi-asset organization, he led the creation of various new investment strategies, including sector and industry selection, and global tactical asset allocation models. Previously, Mr. Piazza was a portfolio manager for global tactical asset allocation overlay accounts for BGI's Asset Allocation Strategies Group.


Mr. Piazza earned a BA degree in political science from Emory University 1994.