Standard Banner









Hero Banner

bicycle in front of grey wall


The Hero CTA banner is used to define a major section or high-traffic webpage; i.e. a campaign landing page, and should help set up diverse and related content for visitors to explore. It has two background colors: white or light gray. See BLK design guide for more details.

Image CTA

This is an image CTA

The CTA w/ image component is meant to highlight and link out to related subjects, products, services, or applications. There are three appearances: small, medium, and large, and all can be used anywhere on the page (below the banner).
bicycle in front of grey wall


This is our Paragraph component to compose structured pages, and highlight information like data points (i.e. charts/graphs/images). It’s quite a complex component, containing various elements — from headlines, intro blurbs and body copy, to quotes, tables, images and more. For more details visit the design guide

Design Guide

Related Content

Multi Column Teaser

Multi Column Teaser

The Leaf Logo
Title goes here
This component can be used to highlight product benefits, topics, themes, or other related content in sets of 2, 3, or 4. For more information, click below.
The Leaf Logo
Title goes here
This component can be used to highlight product benefits, topics, themes, or other related content in sets of 2, 3, or 4. For more information, click below.
Aladdin in the news
Title goes here
This component can be used to highlight product benefits, topics, themes, or other related content in sets of 2, 3, or 4. For more information, click below.

Dynamic Article List

Key Points

Key Points


Title goes here

The key points component should be used to highlight the salient points being made within an article or a general content piece. For more information, please click here.


Title goes here

The key points component should be used to highlight the salient points being made within an article or a general content piece. For more information, please click here.


Title goes here

The key points component should be used to highlight the salient points being made within an article or a general content piece. For more information, please click here.

Pull Quote

Quotation start

This component serves as a visual signpost to help give the reader a sense of place and sequence. It can include excerpts, key phrases or quotations that are pulled from an article and used as graphic elements within a page layout to draw the reader in and to break up large blocks of text.

Quotation end
Pull Quote

Video Player

This is a video player component

This component is meant to highlight a video related to your page content, and includes options such as short introductory blurbs, a quote block, key points, and video playlist appearances. For more information, click below.



This component is a way to simplify visual presentation of a large amount of related content giving users a easy way to scan and dive deeper into a section of interest. They should be used in an area of the page starts to focus more on details. Accordions shouldn't be used to express big ideas or major areas of focus. Though this component can be used to represent a progressive list/steps of a process, we recommend keeping it no longer than 5-7 items.

  • Please keep this clear and concise, and limit the content to one / two short paragraphs max. Text links should be kept to a minimum and can only be used in the expanded content area.

  • Please keep this clear and concise, and limit the content to one / two short paragraphs max. Text links should be kept to a minimum and can only be used in the expanded content area.

  • Please keep this clear and concise, and limit the content to one / two short paragraphs max. Text links should be kept to a minimum and can only be used in the expanded content area.

Related Materials

Eloqua Form

Get in touch to learn more about Aladdin

This component is used to gather the minimum information necessary to send a meaningful communication to your user/client. It's used as a simple form within a webpage (like a subscription sign-up).
Please try again
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Job Role *
Country *
customDropdownWeb1 *
customDropdownWeb2 *
customDropdownWeb3 *
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Your information has been successfully submitted.

Body Tabs

This tab contains information related to the title of this tab. For example, if the title of this tab was "MCT", a MCT component would be located here. Between 3-4 tabs are an ideal amount to have.

Sticky Footer