Dynamic article list

Our Dynamic article list component can be used to quickly aggregate content that is dynamic and timely; insights, articles, or market views. It is designed to accommodate a continuous display of listings that can be filtered by type or category.

This component can be used in a dynamic fashion, pulling in an aggregate of pages tagged with specific metadata, such as categories, topics or authors.

It comes in two appearances; a “tile,” with or without an associated image, or a more compact “list” appearance. The tile format comes with additional column appearances where you can choose to apply a 2-column, a combination of 2-column and 3-column, or a 3-column appearance to a page.


Publishing? View the DCR guidebook for detailed instructions.

Paragraph-2,Dynamic Article List-1,Paragraph-3,Dynamic Article List-2,Paragraph-4
Paragraph-5,Dynamic Article List-3,Paragraph-6,Dynamic Article List-4,Paragraph-7
Dynamic Article List-5,Paragraph-8

2-column appearance

Our 2-column appearance can be used as a single set, in multiple rows, or as “featured” tiles that stack above a 3-column appearance; with or without images. We also built in the flexbility to include a light gray background if you need to visually separate the content out (i.e. driving users to more “Related articles” on the bottom of an insights page).

3-column appearance

Our 3-column appearance can also be used as a single set, or in multiple rows; with or without images. We also built in the flexbility to include a light gray background if you need to visually separate the content out.

Rules and recommendations

Dynamic article list reference guide with image


Dynamic article list
A: Backgrounds: 2 color options: BLK_White (default), BLK_Neutral 1 (used for special-cases only)

B: Topic filter (optional):
• The optional topic filter menu can be turned on to allow users to filter down to specific articles within a pre-existing topic. It will only show the topics that you have selected to be pulled into the Dynamic article component
• Example — if you pull in articles tagged as "Multi-Asset" and "Fixed Income", the Dynamic article component will show all, and the filter dropdown will populate the 2 as topic options

C: Images (optional):
• Image dimensions: 2-column: 815x266px (jpg), 3-column: 528x168px (jpg)
• Automatically scale to accommodate responsive layouts
Photography only - Do not use icons in this appearance, only brand library images are recommended for this component

D: Article content:
• Articles can be populated dynamically or manually
• Dynamic articles can be loaded based on page topic or author. Articles will continue to update as new content is added
• If you want just three articles to appear at the bottom of an insight you can set that option within the component

    d1:Eyebrow (optional):
    • Character count: ~35*
    • Eyebrows/categories are pulled in from the page topics in page metadata, with associated topic icons. If
     there are multiple topics selected for any page, the first one is shown as eyebrow in dynamic article
    • 5 content-specific icons are automatically assigned per category. These can not be edited
        • Icon types: Article, Video, Podcast, Webinar, PDF

   d2: Headline:
    • Character count: ~70*
    • Automatically truncates with ellipses after 70 characters.
    • Dynamic or manual input. If dynamic, headline is automatically pulled in from the page title metadata

    d3: Date/author (optional):
    • Dynamic or manual input. If dynamic, date and author are automatically pulled in from the article
    • Author and date will only appear if all the articles within the same row display this information

    d4: Blurb (optional):
    • Character count: ~250
    • Automatically truncates with ellipses after max characters

E: Load more button:
• Automatically appears after 6 tiles regardless of appearance (2 / 3-column) and populates in 6 tile increments
• Can not manually override this action
*NOTE: Due to varying alphabets and character widths, please ensure your publisher tests this prior to release  


Alternate variations

To help you visualize different possible layouts and background colors, we laid out a few variations to give you a more clear understanding of how this could look.

* NOTE: These examples are scaled for easier viewing.

dal alt image
dal alt image


2-column appearance

Our 2-column appearance can be used as a single set, in multiple rows, or as “featured” tiles that stack above a 3-column appearance; with or without images. We also built in the flexbility to include a light gray background if you need to visually separate the content out (i.e. driving users to more “Related articles” on the bottom of an insights page).

3-column appearance

Our 3-column appearance can also be used as a single set, or in multiple rows; with or without images. We also built in the flexbility to include a light gray background if you need to visually separate the content out.

Rules and recommendations

Dynamic article list reference guide


Dynamic article list
A: Backgrounds: 2 color options: BLK_White (default), BLK_Neutral 1 (used for special-cases only)

B: Topic filter (optional):
• The optional topic filter menu can be turned on to allow users to filter down to specific articles within a pre-existing topic. It will only show the topics that you have selected to be pulled into the Dynamic article component
• Example — if you pull in articles tagged as "Multi-Asset" and "Fixed Income", the Dynamic article component will show all, and the filter dropdown will populate the 2 as topic options

C: Article content:
• Articles can be populated dynamically or manually
• Dynamic articles can be loaded based on page topic or author. Articles will continue to update as new content is added
• If you want just three articles to appear at the bottom of an insight you can set that option within the component

    c1:Eyebrow (optional):
    • Character count: ~35*
    • Eyebrows/categories are pulled in from the page topics in page metadata, with associated topic icons. If
    there are multiple topics selected for any page, the first one is shown as eyebrow in dynamic article
    • 5 content-specific icons are automatically assigned per category. These can not be edited
        • Icon types: Article, Video, Podcast, Webinar, PDF

    c2: Headline:
    • Character count: ~70*
    • Automatically truncates with ellipses after 70 characters.
    • Dynamic or manual input. If dynamic, headline is automatically pulled in from the page title metadata

    c3: Date/author (optional):
    • Dynamic or manual input. If dynamic, date and author are automatically pulled in from the article
    • Author and date will only appear if all the articles within the same row display this information

    c4: Blurb (optional):
    • Character count: ~250
    • Automatically truncates with ellipses after max characters

D: Load more button:
• Automatically appears after 6 tiles regardless of appearance (2 / 3-column) and populates in 6 tile increments
• Can not manually override this action
*NOTE: Due to varying alphabets and character widths, please ensure your publisher tests this prior to release  

Alternate variations

To help you visualize different possible layouts and background colors, we laid out a few variations to give you a more clear understanding of how this could look.

* NOTE: These examples are scaled for easier viewing.

Dynamic article list reference guide
Dynamic article list reference guide


Rules and recommendations

Dynamic article list reference guide


Dynamic article list
A: Filter (optional):
• The optional Topic Filter menu can be turned on to allow users to filter down to specific articles within a pre-existing topic. It will only show the topics that you have selected to be pulled into the Dynamic article component
• Example — if you pull in articles tagged as "Multi-Asset" and "Fixed Income", the Dynamic Article List will show all, and the Filter Dropdown will populate the 2 as topic options
B: Eyebrow (optional): Character count: ~35*

C: Headline:
• Character count: ~70*
• Automatically truncates with ellipses after 70 characters.
• Dynamic or manual input. If dynamic, author is automatically pulled in from the page title metadata

D: Date/author (optional):
• Dynamic or manual input. If dynamic, date and author are automatically pulled in from the article

E: Blurb (optional):
• Character count: ~250
• Automatically truncates with ellipses after 130 characters

• Keep these "digital" friendly; i.e. short descriptors
*NOTE: Due to varying alphabets and character widths, please ensure your publisher tests this prior to release