Standard banner

The Standard banner is used on L2 and L3 sub-pages, and should act as your page title to help set up the content. They are distinctly simple so the emphasis is on the content below and not the banner.

The headline should be engaging but straightforward, our users want to understand what they are about to read.

PRO TIP: You can choose to include an optional eyebrow to help define the content category and a bi-line that includes the date & authors.

Publishing? View the DCR guidebook for detailed instructions.


Sustainability: The future of investing

Jun 20, 2020
  • BlackRock Investment Institute

Rules and recommendations

standard banner rules and recommendation

Standard banner
A: Backgrounds: 4 color options: BLK_Black, BLK_White with optional top/bottom border, BLK_Orange, BLK_Yellow

B: Eyebrow (optional): Character count: 35

C: Headline:
• Character count: 70 — does have the flexibility for longer headlines if needed
• We recommend keeping headlines short and concise
• Due to varying alphabets and character widths, please ensure your publisher tests this prior to release

D: Date / Authors (optional):
• Date/author automatically appears below the main headline banner if chosen
• Date and authors are one entity. You cannot have one without the other
• Date and authors names are dynamically pulled in
• A maximum of 10 authors can be added. The banner will only display 3 authors, after that remaining authors go into +xyz format which expands the banner.
• On-click of author name(s), user will be driven to the author’s bio page if applicable


Alternate variations

To help you visualize different possible layouts and background colors, we stacked a few components together to give you a more clear understanding of how this could look.

* NOTE: These examples are static images due to technical limitations of 1 banner per page.

standard banner
standard banner
standard banner