Market response template

Paragraph-2,Image Cta-1,Featured Article-1,Related Materials-1,Image Cta-2,Image Cta-3,Product Finder-1,Related Materials-2

Template overview

Below is an overview of a Market response page created using our BlackRock component system. Click on each section’s ‘See detailed rules’ link to see additional rules, recommendations, and alternate components available. Structural components, such as the global masthead and footer will be default on the page.


Component name: HeroCTA banner

Purpose: The hero banner is used to highlight the most crucial peice of content on the page. The content and imagery needs to be clear, engaging, and contextualizing. Orients the user to our site and sets the tone for the messages of the page.
See detailed rules See detailed rules


Article title

See detailed rules See detailed rules

Component name: CTA with image

Purpose: This space can be used to display a local market brand message or product campaign.
See detailed rules See detailed rules

Component name: CTA with image

Purpose: Providing a brief description of our company and opportunity for users to learn more. This is a key section for any homepage, as it is the gateway to our site and frequently where new visitors enter.
See detailed rules See detailed rules
See detailed rules
Component name: Fund finder

Additional Market response templates

To help you visualize possible layouts, below are additional examples of the Market response template, created using the suggested rules and recommendations.


Example 1

Example 1

This layout incorporates an iShares branded component. Please review the Relationship Branding guidelines and governance structure before applying to your homepage.

Example 2

Example 2

Additional layout variation.

Content book overview

Once you have determined a preferred design layout, download and fill out the excel content book - preview below. Submit your design request and completed form in JIRA for your publishing team. To use the content book, open in Excel and click "Enable macros" when prompted. For additional content book information and support, visit our publishing portal.

*Note: the content book is a work in progress and we are still testing it. Please contact Pradeep Waghela and Upender Shekhawat if you have any questions or feedback.