iShares ETFs/BlackRock Funds cover a broad range of asset classes, risk profiles and investment outcomes. To understand the appropriateness of these Funds for your investment objective, please visit our product webpage
iShares ETFs/BlackRock Funds cover a broad range of asset classes, risk profiles and investment outcomes. To understand the appropriateness of these Funds for your investment objective, please visit our product webpage
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12-H MIT Notice - Monthly Distribution Component Report
This report provides a distribution component breakdown for BlackRock Funds for the distribution period.
The report includes the overall Distribution CPU, the distribution component and distribution component CPU amount (including Imputation and Foreign Tax credits).
Refer to the Document Library for Monthly Distribution Components reports.
Distribution CPU Summary Report
This report provides the overall Distribution CPU amount for BlackRock Funds for the rolling calendar year.
The report includes the BlackRock Fund APIR Code and the total Distribution CPU for the last four quarters for each Fund.