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Invest in the long-term trends transforming the way we live and work by investing thematically.

What is thematic investing?

Thematic investing is an approach which focuses on predicted long-term trends rather than specific companies or sectors, enabling investors to access big, structural changes that affect investing now - and far in the future. At the centre of BlackRock's Thematic investing philosophy lies five mega forces: digital disruption and AI, a fragmenting world, low-carbon transition, demographic divergence and the future of finance. These mega forces change the long-term growth and inflation outlook and are poised to create big shifts in profitability across economies and sectors. This creates major opportunities - and risks - for investors.

Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

Five Mega forces shaping our future

Icon representing the world with connections
Digital disruption and artificial Intelligence (AI)
Technologies transforming how we live and work.
Icon representing the globe
A fragmenting world
Globalisation is being rewired as the world splits into competing blocks.
Icon of a thermometer.
Transition to a low-carbon economy
The transition is set to spur a massive capital reallocation as energy systems are rewired.
Icon representing an adult and a child
Demographic divergence
Ageing populations in major economies may limit growth, while emerging markets with younger populations and growing middle classes could benefit.
Icon representing currency sign
Future of finance
A fast-evolving financial architecture is changing how households and companies use cash, borrow, transact and seek returns.
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Potential to boost productivity
Artificial intelligence can automate laborious tasks, analyse huge sets of data and help generate fresh ideas. Digital disruption goes beyond AI.

Rewiring global supply chains
In a marked departure from the post-Cold War period of increasing globalisation, we see countries favouring national security and resilience over economic efficiency.

Funds investing into this mega force are part of the BlackRock Transition Investing Platform.

A massive reallocation of capital
The transition to a low-carbon economy is set to spur a massive reallocation of capital as energy systems are rewired.

The world is split between aging and younger economies 
Aging populations in major economies are poised to limit how much countries can produce and grow. By contrast, selected emerging market economies can benefit from younger populations and growing middle classes.

A fast-evolving financial architecture
A fast-evolving financial architecture is changing how households and companies use cash, borrow, transact and seek returns.