EMEA Investment Directions: 2025

Exposures for today’s

Hello and welcome to the Short List: In equities, We take a selective, alpha-seeking approach, preferring to take company-level rather than broad market risk amid a more challenged macro outlook eg in Europe.

In fixed income, we’re seeking carry with quality: we broadly lean towards higher-quality spread income in fixed income, rather than duration, given sticky inflation and potential US fiscal expansion.

We look beyond traditional asset classes to portfolio diversifiers. We think liquid alternatives can provide a way for investors to reduce broad market beta and replace it with uncorrelated alpha risk across asset classes.

Finally, we look to enhance potential returns by building exposure to mega forces and private markets.

At a moment of economic transformation, investing itself is changing – and this may require investors to rethink their approach to portfolios. In Investment Directions, we highlight potential opportunities across asset classes and strategies, all connected by an overarching view on positioning portfolios for today’s markets.


Funds that match up with investing goals and values

Each investor has a different story, and we are steadfast partners to our clients in Finland because we listen to every one of them. Our full range of funds is one way we’re helping more investors build solid financial futures.

Fixed income indexing
Buying shares for the long term

Discover more about fixed income indexing.

Investment in Alternatives
What are alternative investments?

A growing number of investors are turning to alternative investments to enhance returns, generate income, diversify from traditional investments and achieve their investment goals.

ETFs explained

ETF stands for Exchange Traded Funds. ETFs attempt to track the performance of a specific index.

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