Contact Us

  • Our BlackRock and iShares Team is here to help with any question regarding BlackRock Investments.

    Offshore-Luxembourg funds

    +44 (0) 207 743 3300

    Monday-Friday 8:00-18:00 Uhr

    Contact Institutional Client Business

    +44 (0) 297 73 73

    Monday-Friday 8:00-18:00 Uhr

    Contact iShares

    +41 (0) 800 33 66 88

    Montag-Freitag 8:00-18:00 Uhr


    BlackRock Asset Management Schweiz AG
    Bahnhofstrasse 39
    8001 Zürich

    Your client satisfaction is very important to us and to that end, BlackRock has in place a complaint handling process. If you think that we have not met your expectations with any aspect of the service you have received and you wish to complain, please contact our office as shown above or contact us on:
    +41 (0) 800 33 66 88

    At BlackRock, we take all complaints seriously and will investigate them according to the guidelines below. BlackRock is committed to investigating all complaints competently, conscientiously and impartially. If you are contacting us via email, you can support us in this by attaching all information or documents relevant to the matter to your correspondence to ensure that your submission is handled efficiently.

    We will endeavour to clarify your request promptly and commit to the following actions upon receipt of a complaint:

    • We will ensure that an employee of appropriate seniority, commences an investigation.
    • You can expect to receive a written acknowledgement to your initial complaint no later than 5 business days.
    • We will keep you informed of the progress of the complaint. This process is free of charge.

    If there are any unplanned delays and we are unable to resolve your concern within 8 weeks after receipt, you will be notified. We will send you a reply that explains why we are still not in a position to make a final response, also indicating by when we expect to be able to provide a final response.

  • Zurich

    BlackRock Asset Management AG

    Bahnhofstrasse 39

    8001 Zürich

    +41 (0) 44 297 73 73

    Fax: +41 (0) 44 297 73 74


    BlackRock Asset Management Suisse SA

    Passage des Lions 6 – Rue du Rhône 8

    1204 Genf

    +44 (0) 297 73 73

    Fax: +41 (0) 44 297 73 74

  • Contact for iShares Wealth

    Roger Stüber
    Roger Stüber

    Co-Head iShares and Wealth in Switzerland

    +41 (0) 44 297 73 02

    Etienne Weber<
    Etienne Weber

    Co-Head iShares and Wealth in Switzerland

    +41 (0) 22 581 97 67

    Contact for Institutional Client Business

    Frank Rosenschon
    Frank Rosenschon

    Head Institutional Client Business in Switzerland

    +41 (0) 44 297 73 33

  • Marketing

    Marc Wiedenmann
    Marc Wiedenmann

    Head Marketing for BlackRock in Switzerland
    EMEA COO & Head Strategy for Marketing

    +41 (0) 44 297 73 73



    Tristan Hahn
    Tristan Hahn

    Head Corporate Communications in Switzerland

     +41 (0) 44 297 29 20

    Vanessa Tinnacher
    Vanessa Tinnacher

    Corporate Communications

     +41 (0) 44 297 29 29