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For investors in Singapore: Issued by BlackRock (Singapore) Limited (Co. registration no.200010143N) for institutional investors only as defined in Section 4A of the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore. Some of the funds mentioned herein have not been registered with the Monetary Authority of Singapore for offering or distribution in Singapore. Accordingly, this information may not be circulated or distributed, nor may the funds be offered or sold whether directly or indirectly, to any person in Singapore other than (i) to an institutional investor pursuant to Section 304 of the Securities and Futures Act (“SFA”) or (ii) otherwise pursuant to and in accordance with the conditions of any other applicable provision of the SFA. The Fund may use or invest in financial derivatives.
This webpage is prepared by BlackRock for informational or educational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to purchase or sell in any securities or iShares Funds, nor shall any securities or units be offered or sold to any person in any jurisdiction in which an offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal. Investment in emerging market countries may involve heightened risks such as increased volatility and lower trading volume, and may be subject to a greater risk of loss than investment in a developed country. Carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risk factors, and charges and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the Fund’s prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing. Investors should note that ETF differs from a typical unit trust as units or shares of the funds are bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and units may only be redeemed by a participating dealer in large creation/ redemption unit sizes. The listing of units of the ETF on a stock exchange does not guarantee a liquid market for the units. Indexes are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. This material contains general information only and is not intended to represent general or specific investment advice. iShares Funds are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by their index providers. For details of the index provider including any disclaimer, please refer to the relevant iShares Fund offering document. Unless otherwise specified, all information contained in this document is current as at June 2016. Issuer of this website: BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited. This website has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong. ©2017 BlackRock, Inc. All rights reserved. iShares® and BlackRock® are registered trademarks of BlackRock, Inc., or its subsidiaries in the United States and elsewhere. All other trademarks, servicemarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
本文件由貝萊德提供,僅作參考用途。本文件僅提供予專業及機構投資者,並不構成募集、銷售、推介或勸誘買賣任何證券或iShares 安碩基金,或向居住於當地證券法禁止有關募集、銷售、推介或勸誘或買賣活動的司法管轄區的人士進行募集、銷售或推介。投資涉及風險,包括損失本金。匯率變動可影響投資者涉及外幣風險的投資價值。投資新興市場涉及較高風險,例如較高的市場波動,較低的成交量,並可能比投資成熟市場更易受損失。 使用衍生性金融商品等工具可能導致出現市場對手風險。 基金單位於交易所上市,並不保證單位具有一個流通市場。基金單位的交易會涉及經紀商的佣金。關於iShares 安碩基金的具體風險要素,請參閱有關基金公開說明書。基金公開說明書可以在iShares 安碩的官方網站中取得。過往的表現對未來的績效並不具指示作用,亦非未來收益的指標。貝萊德並不保證股票或iShares 安碩基金的表現。請投資者在作出投資決定前,應仔細考慮記載於基金公開說明書內有關的投資目標及風險(包括基金下市時的安排)。 指數表現僅供參考,不代表iShares 安碩基金的實際表現。指數的收益表現並不反映任何管理費用、交易成本或費用。投資者應知悉,iShares 安碩基金不同於一般的證券投資信託基金或境外基金,因為iShares 安碩基金單位以市價(而非資產淨值)買賣,並僅限於在指定參與證券商進行大量申購∕贖回的情況下贖回。指數未經管理且不可直接投資。本文件僅載有一般資訊,並不代表一般或特定的投資建議。所載資料並未考慮投資者的財務狀況。投資者應就個人的目標、財政狀況及需要,評估有關資訊對投資者來說是否合適。
本文件可能含有「前瞻性」資訊。這些資訊可能包括預測、預報、收益或回報估計及可能的投資組合。 概不保證任何iShares安碩基金將會取得該等資訊所載之表現,或已考慮或列出準備本文件期間就取得、計算或提出前瞻性資料或過去績效資料時所作的各項假設。若準備本文件期間所作的假設出現任何轉變,可能會對作為舉例用途的所列投資回報構成重大的影響。
本文件並不構成對未來事件的預估、研究或投資建議、也不應該被視為購買、出售任何證券或採用任何投資策略的建議。概不保證所作的任何預測將會實現。貝萊德所管理的基金並不一定持有本文件所述的任何投資項目。投資者須自行決定是否依賴本文所記載之資訊。 本文件所載的訊息及意見取自貝萊德認為可靠的專有和非專有來源,並不一定涵蓋所有資料,有關觀點不一定反映貝萊德集團旗下任何公司的全部或部分意見,且不保證其準確性。本文件所載的任何意見,反映貝萊德或所引述之第三人截至發文日的判斷,可因其後的條件轉變而作出變動。 未經貝萊德的事先書面同意前,任何人士不得以任何形式或以任何方法(電子、機械、錄製等其他方法),複製、儲存於檢索系統、傳送或發佈本文件的任何部份。 BlackRock Fund Advisors (BRFA) 為根據1940年投資公司法在美國證券交易委員會註冊的iShares安碩基金的投資顧問。BRFA為BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A.的子公司,而BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A.則為BlackRock Inc.的子公司。根據任何司法管轄區的證券法,在當地要約、招攬、購買或出售基金股份屬違法的情況下,本文件並不構成要約或招攬出售,或招攬要約購買任何基金的任何股份(或向任何人士要約或出售任何該等股份)。 iShares 安碩基金並未由Cohen & Steers Capital Management, Inc.、Dow Jones Trademark Holdings, LLC、European Public Real Estate Association ("EPRA®")、FTSE International Limited ("FTSE")、中證指數有限公司(「中證」)、iBoxx®、JPMorgan Chase & Co.、MSCI Inc.、Morningstar, Inc.、The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.、National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts ("NAREIT")、New York Stock Exchange, Inc.、Russell Investment Group或Standard & Poor's 所贊助、背書、發行、銷售或推廣,亦未由Barclays Capital贊助、背書或發行,這些公司亦不就基金或信託投資之適當性作任何保證。 SEI或BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A.或其關係企業均非前述公司之關係企業。iShares S&P GSCI® 商品指數信託(“商品信託”)未由Standard & Poor’s或其關係企業贊助、背書、銷售或推廣,Standard & Poor’s及其關係企業亦未就商品信託投資之適當性作任何保證,FTSE及NAREIT 未就FTSE NAREIT Real Estate 50/Residential/Retail/Mortage或Industrial/Office Index作任何擔保(所有權利授予NAREIT), FTSE及NAREIT 亦未就FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Real Estate ex-US/North America/Europe/Asia Index作任何擔保(所有權利授予NAREITNAREIT,FTSE及NAREIT)。 所有FTSE Developed Small Cap ex-North America Index之權利授予FTSE,"FT-SE®"為London Stock Exchange Plc 及The Financial Times Limited 共同擁有的商標,並授權由FTSE使用。
iShares 安碩基金並未由其指數提供者贊助、背書、發行、銷售或推廣,指數提供者之詳細資料及聲明,請參考iShares 安碩基金相關募集文件。
iShares 安碩® 是BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A. 的註冊商標。其他所有交易商標、服務標記或註冊商標乃所屬者擁有。©2011 BlackRock, Inc. 版權所有。 本文件所列個股或有價證券名稱僅作為舉例說明,不代表任何金融商品之推介或投資建議。 金管會僅核准貝萊德證券投資信託股份有限公司提供外國有價證券顧問業務,並未准其得在國內從事外國有價證券募集、發行或買賣之業務。
外國有價證券係依外國法令募集與發行,其公開說明書、財務報告及年報等相關事項,均係依該外國法令規定辦理,投資人應自行了解判斷。 本文件之提供不構成對特定外國有價證券之募集、銷售、推介或購買之要約,投資人應自行判斷或尋求其財務顧問之意見評估是否投資特定外國有價證券。
本文件受智慧財產權保護,未經授權不得轉載、複製、修改、散發或引用。 貝萊德證券投資信託股份有限公司獨立經營管理。地址:台北市敦化南路二段95號28樓,電話:(02)2326-1600。一百零二金管投信新字第零壹陸號。E-20170301-0169