Systematic Asia Equity Absolute Return strategy

Combining the potential benefits of both systematic and absolute return investing, targeting positive total returns irrespective of market conditions through a systematic approach.

Our Asia Equity Absolute Return strategy seeks to generate consistent positive returns across Asian markets With the aim to deliver high risk adjusted returns with low volatility, regardless of market direction. Our research driven systematic approach places strong emphasis on innovation, data and technology combining high-frequency, granular data with innovative technology in seeking to enhance the investment process.

Asia is an ideal market for an alternative data, systematic approach as we have developed an ability to interpret local language text information in Chinese, Korean and Japanese – such as broker research, retail financial blogs, news and social media - this gives us access to more potential investment insights

We have also found our machine learning techniques have been able to navigate turning points in Asian markets – they picked up divergent trends during Covid, finding stock specific stories through the pandemic and highlighting potential opportunities, both on the upside and downside, in technology stocks by timely moving from ‘newer economy” companies in software to ‘old economy stocks’ in hardware and semiconductors. By combining these kinds of data insights with our expertise, we are seeking to provide true portfolio diversification as a complementary solution to broad asset classes. With a low correlation to underlying equity markets, simple style exposures and other managers 


Our Asia Equity Absolute Return strategy seeks to generate consistent positive returns across Asian markets With the aim to deliver high risk adjusted returns with low volatility, regardless of market direction. Our research driven systematic approach places strong emphasis on innovation, data and technology combining high-frequency, granular data with innovative technology in seeking to enhance the investment process.

Asia is an ideal market for an alternative data, systematic approach as we have developed an ability to interpret local language text information in Chinese, Korean and Japanese – such as broker research, retail financial blogs, news and social media - this gives us access to more potential investment insights

We have also found our machine learning techniques have been able to navigate turning points in Asian markets – they picked up divergent trends during Covid, finding stock specific stories through the pandemic and highlighting potential opportunities, both on the upside and downside, in technology stocks by timely moving from ‘newer economy” companies in software to ‘old economy stocks’ in hardware and semiconductors. By combining these kinds of data insights with our expertise, we are seeking to provide true portfolio diversification as a complementary solution to broad asset classes. With a low correlation to underlying equity markets, simple style exposures and other managers 
