360° Evaluator

Analyze your portfolios from many angles – performance, risk, and cost – with insights tailored to help you manage each portfolio. Highlight the impact you make for your clients and prospects by pairing these insights with straightforward, ready-to-share reports and commentary.

Ready to get started?

Once you’ve added the BlackRock Launch Pad, access 360° Evaluator on Advisor Center through the Envestnet platform.

Build, blend and manage portfolios

There are three ways to start an analysis: 1) Choose one of your already saved advisor or client portfolios, 2) build a new portfolio with imported holdings from a spreadsheet or enter tickers and weights directly, or 3) browse through a library of model portfolios to analyze.
Click here to view Build, blend and manage portfolios

Performance, risk, cost and more

360° Evaluator gives a new view into risk, cost, and performance and connects the changes you would make with the impact it could have. Quickly and easily compare and adjust up to 3 portfolios and analyze across key attributes such as exposure breakdowns, expenses, risk factors.
Performance, risk, cost and more

Save prep time and wow clients

Download the client-friendly report containing an analysis summary that highlights portfolio holdings, analytics, insights, and more. Simplify your pre-meeting prep and enhance the client experience by using the report to help you set the framework for client meetings and enable more meaningful conversations with your clients.
save prep time and wow clients

Try it out

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    With your prospects

    Show your proposed portfolio side-by-side with your prospect’s current holdings to highlight the potential impact your proposal could have on their investments and outcomes.

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    With your clients

    Client-friendly reports and talking points help reinforce the decisions you’ve already helped them make, and can help you make the case for clients to bring over additional assets.

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    With the tools you already use

    Access 360° Evaluator and other Advisor Center tools through the BlackRock Launch Pad via you Envestnet platform.

Take a deeper dive